Category Archives: Walk

Saying Goodbye

Hello and Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dad’s out there, especially mine! Ironically, both my sister and I are at my parents’ house this weekend which is weird because this is the last weekend that my parents will be in this house. They sold the house and are moving to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Gillian is home on college break and I am home, well, because of this..

Yeah, I went there. A good bag of frozen potato’s will help with the wisdom tooth that just doesn’t feel like healing. So, yes, I am trying my best to just chill out and let this thing heal since my last procedure. However, I did manage to go on a walk yesterday just to get myself outta’ the damn house. But then it made me exhausted so I was on my couch for the rest of the night 😦 ugh.. hopefully this is all over soon.

It’s definitely bitter-sweet to be in my childhood home for the last time and it’s a weekend filled with mixed emotions but I am happy for my parents. This is a nice beginning for them but it’s always tough to see something end…

Well, peeps, I’m outta here to maybe try to go for another walk and hang out. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Question of the Day: When did your parents sell your childhood home? Or do they still live in it?